The vivid colors of fall foliage has evoked art, poetry and legends. "The mythical Jack Frost brought reds and purples to the forest by pinching the leaves with his icy fingers. The hues of yellow, gold and brown were mixed on his palette and applied with quick broad strokes of his brush as he silently moved among the trees to decorate them. Native Americans told it as the consequencs of celestial hunters slaying a great bear in the autumn sky; the beast's blood dripping on the earthly forests turned many leaves to red. Other leaves were changed yellow by the fat that splattered from the kettle as the hunters cooked the meat." Thomas Ropp, The Arizona Republic
Whatever the cause the effect can be spectacular and glorious to behold...
Take time during the season, if you can, to walk along a woodland path, or stop at a roadside stream to see the beauty that awaits you. See if it doesn't help make your day a little better...