The Canyonlands area of Utah comprise a large area in southern part of the state. The Needles District is the eastern most section. The name is derived from numerous rock formations in part of the area that are made up of columns of rock.
This picture, taken from Potholes Rock, shows some of the needles in the background. Potholes Rock, in the forground, is covered with small potholes from 1 foot diameter to a couple of yards.
Wooden Shoe Rock, center right .
No matter where you look the scenery is spectacular. The views here and below are from the top of a mesa.
The canyons seem to stretch on forever, as far as the eyes can see. There are trails on the lower levels that can be traveled by high clearance vehicles. When exploring these trails the rangers at the visitors center should be notified, permits may be required.
These two pictures show a massive tear in the earths crust that, I think, was reported to have been caused by a long ago earthquake. There is a trail that skirts the top of the tear from left to right along it's rim and stretching off into the distance on the right.
These two pictures are of Newspaper Rock so-called because Native Americans used to leave messges here.