

Canyonlands, Utah, Island in the Sky                                                                      District
Island in the Sky is the northern, central, district of the three areas of the Canyonlands and is a huge mesa. Viewing areas are along the top edge of the mesa. The Colorado and Green Rivers flow into and merge in the Canyonlands. They  continue their flow as the Colorado River eventually forming Lake Powell, flowing through the Grand Canyons in Arizona, then along the Arizona /California border.and into Mexico where it dumps into the Sea of Cortez, when enough water is allowed to remain in it by man to so it can reach it's  original destination in the sea.
As with the Needles District the view in this district shows what appears to be unending canyons.
Upheaval Dome. Theories as to the cause of this fornmation range from volcanic activity to a meteor.
The eroided edge of part of the mesa and stone columns
A natural stone arch in the Island in the Sky district
View through the arch. This arch is right at the edge of the mesa. If a person were to try  to walk to the other side of the arch they would walk of the mesa.
All of the beauty of Canyonlands does not have to be viewed from a distance even the remains of an old tree, a Prickly Pear Cactus, and other vegetation have an interesting beauty of their own.