The Unknown Path
In the shadows of night the moon sent it's light across the darkened ground,
And lit the path, that without that light, I never would have found.
I followed the path over hills and valleys to see where it would go,
For if I didn't follow the silvery path where it went I'd never know.
I found the end of the path that night and slept there under a tree,
So when I awoke the following morn I could see what there was to see.
It was the spring of the year and to my delight I saw such a wonderful sight.
Of wild flowers filling a meadow that had been hidden by the night,
And great tall trees wearing new green leaves that shaded the sun from my eyes,
And a clear fresh brook flowing through the meadow as it dropped down from a rise.
You never know what you might miss if you never follow an unknown track,
Or what you may find at the end of your journey or be your story when you get back.